Benefits of not drinking alcohol: 16 health benefits of ditching the booze

By quitting drinking, you’ll lower your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, fatty liver, pancreatitis, and several types of cancer. A recent study by the University of Hong Kongfound that overall mental health improves when participants quit drinking, especially women. When you quit drinking, you can objectively look at why this habit started in the first place, and you are better able to develop healthier ways to cope with life’s stressors. After eliminating alcohol, you may notice you are calmer and less irritable, and better equipped to handle family conflict or mental health issues. You don’t have to struggle with these issues alone anymore.

Then over time, a stash of alcohol is always available in the house. During busy days, drinking helps to get through the day and make everything more tolerable. During slow days, drinking is just a tool to pass the time. Whether it is short-term or for the rest of your life, you can start your alcohol-free life today. For dependent drinkers, between hours is when withdrawal symptoms subside or become more manageable. For most heavy drinkers, the first day of not drinking represents a sense of accomplishment and control over their own life.

Alcohol consumption has always been linked to an increased risk of several types of cancer, including mouth, throat, esophageal, stomach, liver, and breast cancer. We believe in you and encourage and support you during addiction treatment. The timeline for the healing process will depend on the part of the body in question and the individual’s history with alcohol consumption. Individuals who have consumed alcohol at greater quantities for longer periods of time will likely take longer to heal than others. Over a long period of alcohol consumption, the hippocampus can not only slow down, but it can suffer damage. Prolonged use of alcohol can destroy nerve cells, affecting both short-term and long-term memory.

While getting sober is an important first step, it is only the beginning of your recovery from alcohol addiction or heavy drinking. As you know, excessive drinking behaviors often lead to chronic, long-term health conditions. People put themselves at risk for cancer, liver problems, strokes, and high blood pressure when they drink too much. But there is another side effect of long-term alcohol use that you might not be familiar with – Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome.

Change Your Life Today!

Cut down on the booze, and see if it stirs up the romance. Alcohol plays a role in at least half of all serious trauma injuries and deaths from burns, drownings, and homicides. It’s eco sober house cost also involved in four out of 10 fatal falls and traffic crashes, as well as suicides. Even cutting back your drinking by a third can lower the number of injuries and sick days.

Try skipping alcohol, especially in the late afternoon and evening, for more restful shut-eye. Alcohol can cause problems in relationships, such as conflicts, communication problems, and trust issues. One of the financial benefits of giving up alcohol is that you’ll likely have more money to spend. This is because alcohol is a costly habit, so giving it up can free up some extra cash. So, giving up alcohol can help your skin to look more hydrated and glowing.

Studies did not need to test an intervention, however. They could also follow a group of drinkers over time, called a prospective cohort study, or even simply assess them at one single point, called a cross-sectional study. At Pathways Recovery in Sacramento, CA, we are dedicated to helping each of our clients live out a healthier, better future. As an alcohol and drug residential facility, we help clients start their journeys toward long-lasting sobriety. Quitting alcohol won’t be easy, but with our comprehensive care, clients will find themselves surrounded by encouragement every step of the way.

If you’re reluctant to turn to your loved ones because you’ve let them down before, consider going to couples counseling or family therapy. Treatment doesn’t have to be limited to doctors and psychologists. Many clergy members, social workers, and counselors also offer addiction treatment services. Therapy can help you identify the root causes of your alcohol use, repair your relationships, and learn healthier coping skills and how to deal with triggers that could cause you to relapse. Distance yourself from people who don’t support your efforts to stop drinking or respect the limits you’ve set.

Ensure that you take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating properly, getting exercise, and meditating. These practices provide healthy alternatives to drinking. Consider whether you want to cut back or stop drinking completely. Talk to your doctor to decide what makes the most sense for you right now. Try taking days off from drinking or pacing yourself when you do drink by not having more than one alcoholic beverage in one hour. Sometime between days 5 and 7, moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms typically lessen.

Health experts have launched several media campaigns to encourage us to not drink. Learn ten benefits of stopping drinking and how you can improve your health by reducing the amount of alcohol you consume. Once the initial symptoms of withdrawal have subsided, you may find that you have more energy than you did before you stopped drinking. This is because alcohol is a depressant, so when it’s no longer in your system, your body has more energy to work with. A 2021 study involving 371,463 people further found that alcohol use contributes to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, regardless of how much is consumed. While scientists have yet to determine the exact link, we do know that many people turn to alcohol and other illicit substances in an attempt to self-medicate symptoms of mental illness.

Lower risk of chronic disease

Heavy and prolonged alcohol abuse can also negatively impact the amygdala, a tiny part of the brain that regulates stress. When the amygdala is overactive, someone is stuck in the fight or flight reflex, even when there is no danger. This is the familiar ever-present anxiety that accompanies most alcoholics. The brain can begin to heal when relieved of the need for alcohol.

Remind yourself of the adverse long-term effects of heavy drinking and how it won’t really make you feel better, even in the short term. Whether you choose to tackle your alcohol addiction by going to rehab, getting therapy, or taking a self-directed treatment approach, support is essential. Recovering from alcohol addiction or abuse is much easier when you have people you can lean on for encouragement, comfort, and guidance. Make a note about how you feel physically and mentally on these days—recognizing the benefits may help you to cut down for good. Are you ready to quit drinking or cut down to healthier levels? These tips can help you get started on the road to recovery.

To lighten the mood, however, if a vulva owner decides to quit drinking and live a sober life, they can experience these three unique benefits. Giving up alcohol helps your memory stay sharp and your mind become clearer. Alcohol depletes essential vitamins, such as vitamins B6 and A, which are essential for brain health and other important functions. When you stop drinking alcohol, you also stop depleting these vitamins.

  • Be it to your brain, your organs, or even your overall level of fitness, as you’ll see in this article, quitting alcohol dramatically improves your health as well as your mood.
  • Here are some of the most common effects of giving up alcohol.
  • In his article “Addiction as a Disease of Isolation”, published on, Dr. Shahram Heshmat suggests that addiction stems from a lack of connection.
  • The liver constantly generates new cells to keep itself healthy.

Although positive changes may appear earlier, 3 months of not drinking can not only improve your mood, energy, sleep, weight, skin health, immune health, and heart health. Whether you’re occasionally overdoing it or you frequently abuse alcohol, the benefits of quitting alcohol far outweigh whatever you think you’re gaining from it. Most people in recovery will tell you their lives are now abundantly better than when they were drinking or using drugs. They’re clearer, more present, healthier, happier people, and they’re enjoying life more.

Finding Alcohol Rehab and Treatment

Found that binge drinking can reduce infection-fighting white blood cells in the hours after drinking – essentially weakening your immune system. This is often the result of long-term liver damage though, with the first stage of liver disease being a buildup of fat from breaking down the alcohol. Dr Dan warns of cirrhosis, a very serious form of liver damage that leads to scar tissue which prevents it from working properly. It includes symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, yellow skin and in extreme cases coughing up blood.

However, removing the additional impacts of adding alcohol to the brain can help people find some relief from cognitive symptoms. There are many benefits to giving up alcohol, both short-term and long-term. If you’re considering quitting drinking, these benefits may be just what you need to help you make the decision.

benefits of quitting alcohol

So many great things can happen in your life once your mood is improved. Your family will be overjoyed that you decided to stop drinking, and you’ll be able to enjoy your time together again. You may even be better equipped to repair former relationships with friends and loved ones. In fact, your entire outlook on life might change for the better. “The simple act of taking a month off alcohol helps people drink less in the long term; by August, people are reporting one extra dry day per week,” notes Dr. de Visser.

Deciding to stop drinking can be daunting, as for most people getting sober involves a lifestyle change of some kind. From who you spend time with to how you fill your days, many people feel intimidated by the prospect of life without alcohol. You may be asking yourself what you will do for fun, or if being sober will change your personality in significant ways. Perhaps you’re concerned about spending time with friends who still drink, or how you will fill the hours you used to spend drinking. Alcohol can dehydrate the skin, causing it to lose elasticity and sag.

A Stronger Heart

The result of this interaction is that the brain becomes excited in the presence of alcohol and can remain in this excited state, even if the individual isn’t drinking in that moment. Firstly, it can be helpful to know that alcohol use disorder can have different levels of severity ranging from mild to moderate to severe, depending on the individual. Factors that determine the severity of an alcohol use disorder include the level of dependency on the substance and the number of symptoms experienced by a person.

Low blood sugar is just one condition that follows malnourishment. Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, can cause harm to a person if left untreated. The brain and various tissues require glucose to function properly, but individuals with hypoglycemia may experience injury in some form due to this lack of glucose. But when someone is drinking heavily every single day, the cost of continuously replenishing an alcohol supply can add up quickly and begin to take a financial toll. The prices can quickly add up when a person often frequents bars.

  • Cravings for alcohol can be intense, particularly in the first six months after you quit drinking.
  • Especially when it is linked to upping our chances of developing brain-related diseases like dementia.
  • But it could also be helpful to make new social contacts based around an interest such as a sport, the arts, or other activities you enjoy.
  • For individuals with alcohol use disorder who make an effort to get treatment but do not end up receiving it, 25% say the reason was that they were not ready to stop drinking or using drugs.

Abstaining from alcohol over several months to a year may allow structural brain changes to partially correct. Quitting drinking can also help reverse negative effects on cognitive functions, including those related to problem-solving, memory, and attention. Make meetings a priority – Join a recovery support group, such as Alcoholics Anonymous , and attend meetings regularly.

Among individuals who have achieved a single year of sobriety, chances of relapse are less than 50%. Most of us have either had or been the friend in a relationship where alcohol comes before anything and anyone. Start to look younger as your skin’s hydration returns to normal levels.

You may become angry or impulsive, which might have caused some friends or family to pull away from you over time. When you stop drinking alcohol, you’re likely to see your relationships improve, and you’ll eco sober house review have the chance to build them even stronger. Not drinking may sound like no fun to people teetering on the edge of alcoholism. It may sound downright impossible for those who have a substance use disorder.

Examples include drunk driving and an increased risk of attempting suicide. At 3 weeks of not drinking, most drinkers have successfully reduced their risk of heart disease, including stroke, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Their kidney health and even their vision may improve. However, if you struggle with alcohol use disorder, you may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

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